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Curriculum Overview

VisionCurriculum Vision

Our Curriculum is a broad and balanced, knowledge-rich primary curriculum. 

We live and learn in Christ’s love and light. Throughout our school journey, we know we are loved by God and we show God’s love to others. We are inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew’s Gospel:

Ask, and it shall be given you;

seek, and ye. shall find;

knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

We feel Christ’s words are represented by the three areas of focus for our curriculum development – Curious, Engaged and Aspirational. With Christ at the centre of our school, our school’s nature of Curiosity (Ask), Aspiration (Seek) and Engagement (Knock and Opened) fully represented our curriculum.

Aspirational – we want to grow

We want to be the best that we can be. We look to the future with excitement, developing our skills and knowledge ambitiously and confidently. We recognise our value in the wider world.

Curious – we strive to learn

At English Martyrs, we ask questions and want to know more. We enquire about the world around us and are passionate learners. We enjoy a stimulating school environment that nurtures our curiosity.

Engaged – we love to learn

Driven by our curiosity, we are fully engaged in school life. We love to learn and we play active roles within our school community.


Intent, Implementation and Impact

What is Intent, Implementation and Impact?

The 3 'I's' of education or 'Intent, Implementation and Impact' have been derived from the Ofsted inspection framework 2019. 

  • Intent indicates what is taught in schools and why it is taught. 
  • Implementation is to apply a framework within an institutional context to help children thrive.
  • impact shows what the results will be and how something is going to make a difference.

