Year 3 Class

Hello and welcome to Year 3 .......

Eleanor HoskinsClass Teacher: Miss Hoskins

Tel: 01788 543423


I am wishing you a very warm welcome to year 3 and the start of a new school year.

The children have a wonderful term to look forward to and an array of new concepts, subjects and skills to master – all within a supportive environment, taking time to provide joy and care as we go to each pupil.

I hope to empart my passion for learning and fun upon them and hlep them grow in their catholic faith, as many take their next steps on their journey through faith. 

Our Values and Virtues:                       Our Class Saint:

Values&Virues TreePupils are growing to be grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, both now and in the future.

Saint Josephine BakhitaStJosephineBakhita was born in Sudan, Africa.  As a small child she was kidnapped and sold into slavery.  In 2000, she was the first black woman in the modern era to be declared a Saint.

Our three school rules are : ready, respectful and safe

We aim to ensure that excellent behaviour is a minimum expectation for all. Being ready to learn at all times and allowing others to be ready as well. 

With the growing awareness of love for all, we will help children towards true respect for the beliefs and cultures of others. We will also adopt a respect for the environment. We aim to ensure that children feel safe at all times, including being safe online.

We will ensure that each child will have experience of forgiving and being forgiven. We will encourage children to accept responsibility for their actions and to apologise when necessary. 

To be ready to learn in school please support the children with:

P.E. - All children are expected to take part in a full P.E. kit and trainers. Earrings  are not allowed during P.E. for safety reasons. Please see the uploaded timetable below for allocated PE lesson days.

Reading @ Home - Children should read for 15 minutes each night - this could be their accelerated reader, library book or a book of their own choice from home. This will be more productive if it is carried out in a calm, quiet environment. 

Year 3 - Key Documentation

Below are a number of important information documents about your child's learning at school and at home:

Termly Spelling List and Common Exception Words